Trapezitis (Neck and Upper Back Pain) | Symptoms & It’s Treatment

Trapezitis (Neck and Upper Back Pain)

Large Muscle

Trapezitis (Neck and Upper Back Pain) | Symptoms and Treatment

The trapezius is a muscle that is present at the back of the neck arising from the occipital bone to the t10 thoracic vertebrae and gets inserted at the lateral third of the clavicle bone. Retraction, medial rotation, and depression of the scapula, shrugging of the shoulders are the movements that can be performed with this muscle.

The trapezius is the inflammation of the trapezius muscle which further leads to pain, swelling, and spasm in the neck 

Thus trapezius is more common in people working on a computer or driving for a long distance, keeping the head stable for prolonged periods, or people who are involved in heavy physical labor. etc. This pain can be referred to as short period pain which can last for about 4-6 days accompanied by pain and stiffness at the neck region making it difficult to perform the neck movements without restriction.

Inflammation in any fiber of the muscle can cause trapezius. Constant stress and strain on the muscles can lead to inflammation and spasm of the muscle. Trap pain is classic stress pain.

Trapezitis Causes:

  • Watching a television program for longer periods in the same or awkward posture
  • Women who involve in breastfeeding activity can also from this condition.
  • Any weakness in the neck and back muscles maybe after an injury or trauma can also result in trapezius pain.
  • Reading a book, working on a laptop or desk in a wrong posture or in the same posture for a relatively long time can result in the trapezius. 

Trapezitis Symptoms:

  • Symptoms that are generally presented include aching of the shoulder on the affected side, a feeling of hurting the neck and is usually deep and painful. Sometimes it is accompanied by a headache, especially in the temples or behind the eyes or at the base of the skull.
  • A kind of burning sensation somewhere between the shoulder blades can be experienced when sitting in front of the computer without elbow support
  • Triggers may develop in the trapezius area on the affected side 
  • Pain, discomfort and tightness on the affected side may be experienced which can radiate downwards to the arm and hand.
  • In chronic muscle spasm conditions, it may also lead to nerve compressions which results in symptoms like weakness or numbness in the arms, tingling sensations on the affected side of the arm.etc

Goals of Physiotherapy:

  • Improves pain through advanced modalities
  • Reduces tightness
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces spasm
  • Reduces tightness
  • Increases strength: resisted band exercises
  • Alignment correction through manual therapy
  • Taping technique
  • Laser therapy for instant pain relief
  • Reflexology

Physiotherapeutic Approach:

To relieve pain:

Laser therapy Stretching :

  •  Stretching to trapezius, pectoralis major, upper body stretchings
  • Posture correction: by taping technique and proper ergonomic advice.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) 
  • Cold packs and myo-facial release.

Strengthening and To Improve Range:

  • Muscle energy techniques for the trapezius
  • Positional release technique for trapezius.
  • Theraband resisted exercises.
  • Upper body strengthening exercises.

Check out these links for relevant information: Sports physiotherapy, Pain management

For more details contact us on 📞9618906780

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