
Proctalgia Fugax (or) Levator Spasm Syndrome

Proctalgia Fugax

Proctalgia Fugax Proctalgia Fugax is anal pain that doesn’t have a clear cause. This pain is generally caused by intense muscle spasms in or around the canal of the anus. It’s alike to another kind of anal pain called levator ani syndrome. The pain is slightly separate in levator ani syndrome, and may last days …

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Javelin Throwers Elbow (or) Golf Elbow

Javelin Thrower’s Elbow

Javelin Thrower’s Elbow Javelins Thrower’s Elbow is mostly caused by overuse. Javelin throwers elbow is a sprain or injury to the medial ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow, which is easily susceptible to injury. As the injury is commonly seen in javelin throwers, it is named javelin throwers elbow. Javelin Thrower’s Elbow happens when a …

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